Tips Knowing the capacity of the AC. What is the PK or BTU/hr to be installed?
One of the things that often the question when we decided to use the air conditioner is how do I know PK room air conditioner that suits us? This needs to receive attention because of its relationship with the amount of power consumption we have to pay each month. Unit air conditioner that is too large compared to the space will make a wasteful use of electricity, as well as air conditioner units that are too small. Unit air conditioner that is too small compared to the area of the room will take a long time to cool the room, it would also make a big electric bill.
There are three factors to consider when determining the needs of PK AC, the AC cooling power (BTU/hr - British Thermal Units per hour), power (watts), and PK AC compressor. Some of us may be more familiar with the numbers PK (Paard Kracht / Power Horse / Horse Power (HP)) on the AC. PK Actually it is a unit of power on the AC compressor cooling rather than AC power. But PK is better known than the BTU/hr at the general public. Then how do I calculate and adjust the air conditioner with a cooling power of your room? To work around this, then we convert the first PK - BTU/hr - the area (m2).
1 PK = 9000-10000 BTU/hr
1 m2 = 600 BTU/hr
3 mx = 10 feet -> 1 meter = 3.33 feet
Cooling power based on PK:
± 5000 BTU / hr = ½ PK
± 7000 BTU / hr = ¾ PK
± 9000 BTU / hr = 1 PK
± 12,000 BTU / hr = 1 ½ PK
± 18 000 BTU / hr = 2 PK
To calculate the BTU requirement to use the formula:
(W x H x I x L x E) / 60 = BTU requirement
W = length of the space (in feet)
H = height of room (in feet)
I = value of 10 if the insulated space (located in the basement, or coincide with other rooms). Value of 18 if space is not insulated (upstairs).
L = width of space (in feet)
E = value of 16 if the longest wall facing north; value of 17 if facing east; value of 18 if facing south, and the value 20 if facing west.
3mx6m sized space or (10 feet x 20 feet), height of the room 3m (10 feet) is not insulated, the long wall facing east. BTU requirement = (10 x 20 x 18 x 10 x 17) / 60 = 10,200 BTU AC alias enough with a PK.
In order for air conditioner provides maximum results in providing a fresh air here are some tips that can be done:
Adjust the size of the room with a capacity of air conditioner.
Do not be put right in front of the door, because the air will be easier to get out into another room.
Do not place the air conditioner is too close to the roof. Air conditioner draws air from above, then if it is too close to the ceiling, the narrow space causes the incoming air is not maximal.
Wash air conditioner filters once a month.
Perform washing evaporator AC 3 months.
i just want to ask you, from the table of convertion 1 HP = 2544,43 BTU.
BalasHapusjust as we know, 1 PK = 9000 BTU. so it doesn't equal between HP and PK ?. From where this calculate to get 1 PK = 9000 BTU ???